Placenta Encapsulation

  • Placenta encapsulation involves carefully processing the placenta after birth so that it can be placed into capsules and consumed by the mother.

    The placenta is an incredibly unique organ that sustains and nourishes your baby throughout pregnancy. Across cultures and centuries, it has been revered for its symbolic significance and believed healing properties. There are many ways cross culturally to honor the placenta, by encapsulating it we are offering one way to honor this life-giving organ while harnessing its potential benefits for your postpartum health.

  • - May support hormone balance in postpartum

    - Help to replenish nutrients

    - Provide essential vitamins and minerals

    - Support energy levels

  • -Pick up of placenta after birth

    -Processing and encapsulation

    -Home delivery of capsules

    -Resource page of dosage and storage information